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Frequently Asked Questions about Infinisim's RASER™

What is RASER?
Infinisim RASER is the next-generation transistor-level simulation and analysis tool for pre-layout and post-layout verification of integrated circuits.

RASER provides SPICE-accurate transient analysis with an average of 50X higher throughput and capacity. Using Real-time Adaptive Simulation™ (RAS™) technology, RASER delivers SPICE accuracy at very high execution speeds.

Who should be using RASER?
Infinisim's RASER is targeted to those designers who either cannot simulate a large design accurately using their current tool, or who experience extremely long run-times. First generation SPICE engines derived from Berkeley SPICE, focused on accuracy for small transistor circuits without any speedup optimization. Secondand third generation Fast SPICE were derived from timing simulators and focused on speedup at the expense of accuracy. The current generation is an incremental enhancement to the Berkeley SPICE based on increased efficiency of the SPICE algorithm and/or based on parallelization. Whether hardware or software accelerated, these engines provide up to 10X speedup and capacity over SPICE.

RASER is the fastest (50X on average), SPICE accurate simulator in the market, with the ability to handle full chip capacity of millions of elements. This makes it ideal for demanding analog and mixed-signal designs.

Why should I look at RASER?
At SPICE accuracy, Infinisim's RASER is the fastest simulator in the market with the ability to handle designs with millions of elements. For sensitive analog and mixed-signal circuits, such as SerDes, and data converters, RASER delivers speed and capacity at SPICE accuracy.
Why is RASER needed for 40nm and below designs?
At 40nm and below designs, statistical variations become significant. This requires accurate model evaluations. FastSpice tools cannot deliver the accuracy, and commercial SPICE tools cannot handle the capacity at acceptable performance level. RASER is the only simulator that can simulate nanometer effects at full chip capacity.
Can RASER handle post-layout simulation?
RASER efficiently handles post-layout simulation with RLC parasitics on signal nets and power nets. RASER also has RC reduction technology and support for DSPF.
What do customers say about RASER?
Infinisim customers have reported the following benefits:
  • Increased verification coverage prior to tape-out
  • Ability to uncover significant issues related to analog-digital interface
  • Ability to verify larger circuits at SPICE accuracy
What device models does RASER support?
Infinisim RASER supports the standard device models including:
  • diodes, BJT, Mextram, VBIC, BSIM4, BSIM3v3, B3SOI, B3SOIPD, MOS11, MOS3, and JFET
  • Verilog-A devices
Is RASER compatible with SPICE?
Yes. Designers should be able to simulate their existing commercial SPICE netlists without modification.
What platforms does Infinisim support?
Infinisim supports Solaris and Linux.
How does RASER compare with SPICE for accuracy?
RASER uses analytical device models and solves Kirchoff's Current Law (KCL) and Kirchoff's Voltage Law (KVL) circuit equations to SPICE tolerances. This is the only way a simulator can guarantee SPICE accuracy.
How does RASER achieve such high performance gains at SPICE accuracy?
RASER uses patent pending Real-time Adaptive Simulation (RAS) algorithms to exploit latency in circuits. This allows RASER to achieve orders of magnitude speed-up over traditional circuit simulators.